Anant Jain

Hi! I’m Anant. Welcome to my little home on the web.

I'm part of the engineering team at Brex. Before Brex, I co-founded two startups: Compose Labs and EagerPanda.

At Compose Labs, we built tools to automatically generate videos from text articles — Brex acquired the team in March 2020. EagerPanda was a publishing platform with a realtime, multiplayer editor with version controls (think Google Docs + Medium + GitHub).

After spending 10+ years across multiple engineering and product roles in high-growth startups, I'm currently focusing on building and operating highly functional engineering teams in a distributed, remote-first world. You can reach me at or @anantja_in.

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Tech & Startups

Free Startup Ideas

Virtual Reality

Oh Snap!

Tech Talks

ML4ALL 2019

NextCon 2019

Mozilla Festival, 2018


The CEO Library



Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Product Design

Paper Reviews

Ethereum Whitepaper

The Tail at Scale

CRDTs: The Hard Parts

Out of the Tar Pit

How to Read a Paper

No Silver Bullet

Big Ball of Mud

Paxos Made Simple

Book Lists

Book Reviews

Coders at Work

Masters of Doom

The First 90 Days

The War of Art

The Manager's Path

The Mom Test


The Great CEO Within

Fortune's Formula

Skin in The Game

When Breath Becomes Air

The Bed of Procrustes

Algorithms to Live By

Writing to Learn

Measure What Matters

Show Your Work

10% Happier

On Writing Well

Deep Work

The Power of Habit

The Power of Moments

The Selfish Gene

Stumbling on Happiness

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Managing Oneself


LeadDev Live 2021 Notes

Side Projects

MNMLNWS (Minimal News)

Contribute to OSS



The Slow Carb Diet

Lease vs. ownership